1 Peter 2 Quiz

1.  Using the illustration of a newborn babe, what is the new believer to desire?

2.  In verse one there are five things mentioned that the believer is to lay aside, name the, five points

3.  Who is the chief cornerstone?

4.  What word is used to describe those that "stumble" concerning Christ and the word of God?

5.  According to verse eleven, what wars against our soul?

6.  What two words are used in this chapter to illustrate the fact that believers are not of this world?

7.  What word is used in this chapter to describe the lifestyle of the believer?

8.  According to verse twelve, whar are the unbelievers supposed to see in God's people, that will
     result in The Lord being glorified?

9.  Fill in the blank, "_________ yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake:..."

10.  Would every ordinance include the speed limit?

BONUS#1. What type of men will be put to silence if believers obey the command concerning
                   the ordinances of man?

BONUS#2. In your own words describe when God receives glory concerning a believer being 
                   treated wrongly?

BONUS#3. Whose steps are we to follow concerning believers being treated wrongly?  

1 Peter 1 Quiz

1. Who is the writer of this book?

2.  Who is this book written to and who is meant bt the phrase used for these people?

3.  There are four characteristics used to describe the "inheritance," name them, five points each.

4.  Fill in the blanks, five points each.  Who are _________ by the power of God through faith unto

     ___________ ready to be revealed in the last time.

5.  What is the trial of the believers faith considered more precious than?  A.  Gold  B.  Hay  C. Silver
 Believer is NOT 
6.  What is referred to in this chapter as the end of the Christian's faith, the salvation of the ______.

7.  Who enquired and searched diligently the above mentioned salvation?ecause

8.  Fill in the blanks, five points each.  " Because it is written, Be ye _______ for I am _________.

9.  How is the believer told to pass his time on earth as he ponders on the future judgment?

10. What two things are listed that the believer is NOT redeemed with?

BONUS# 1.  How is the Christian redeemed, with what?
BONUS# 2.  What animal is mentioned referring to both Christ and the animal that was used for some 
                     O.T. sacrifices?
BONUS #3.  How long will the word of The Lord endure according to verse 25?

Hebrews 13 Quiz

1.  Fill in the blank, " Let brotherly __________ continue.  

2.  According to verse two, what beings have been among God's people at times, unknown to them?

3.  What category of brethren does the writer tell the readers to "remember in verse three?

4.  According to verse four as well as other passages does The Lord clearly judge the immoral, while
     He approves of the marriage relationship, yes or no?

5.  Fill in the blanks, five points each.  "Let your conversation be without ____________; and be
     ___________ with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee."

6.  What word best describes the word "conversation" the way it is used in many scriptures? 
     A. race  B. gossip  C. Lifestyle

7.  What type of doctrines is the reader told to not be carries away with, there are two answers, five points each.

8.  Who are the readers told to remember, obey and submit to, in this chapter?

9.  Does this mean to do so regardless of doctrinal changes or if they get involved in sin?

10.  What land is mentioned at the end of the chapter?

BONUS#1.  What responsibility do the Elders have according to verse 17.
BONUS#2.  What does the word "communicate" most likely refer to in this chapter?
BONUS#3.  What are we to offer to God continually according to verse 15.

Hebrews 12 Quiz

1.  Most likely who is being referred to with the phrase "cloud of witnesses?"

2.  What two things is the believer told to "lay aside?"

3.  How are we to "run the race" that is set before us?

4.  What best defines what is meant by " the race?"
     A.  A real foot race. B.  The Christian Life. C. Tribulations

5.  Who is the reader to look to for strength and encouragement as they run this race?

6.  Jesus Christ is referred to here as the ____________ and ______________ of our faith.

7.  What is mentioned in this chapter as something The Lord does to his children to correct them
      and profit them?

8.  Fill in the blanks, five points each. " Follow ___________ with all men! and ___________, 
     without which no man shall see The Lord."

9.  Who is mentioned in this chapter as a profane person?

10.  What is mentioned here that can trouble and defile a person?

BONUS#1. There are two responses listed that Moses had when he was on the mount, list them,
                   five points each.
BONUS#2. What heavenly city is referred to in verse 22.

BONUS#3. Complete this verse, "For our God is a consuming  ________."
BONUS#4. Who is the author warning the readers to not refuse or turn away from?

Hebrews 11 Quiz

1.  What is the title that is generally given to this chapter?

2.  Fill in the blanks, five points each.  " Now faith is the ____________ of things hoped for! the 
      _____________ of things not seen."

3.  Who is being referred to here with the term "elders?"

4.  What two words are used describing that these that lived by faith were foreigners in this world, 
      as they were children of God?

5.  Should NT believers also think of themself as the same (as those above) regarding their 
     relationship with the world?

6.  What has The Lord prepared for these that have lived by faith?

7.  According to this chapter, other accounts in the Bible and history, have God's people suffered
     persecution for having faith in the true and living God?

8.  Is faith  A.  Merely belief or  B.  A "trust" that evidences itself by following and obeying the one in
     whom faith is placed?

9.  List some of the violent persecutions that are mentioned in this chapter?

10.  Was the world " worthy" of these that lived by faith, yes or no?

BONUS#1.  Name as many of the persons listed in this chapter as you can, five points each.
BONUS#2.  Name some of the victories that are listed in this chapter that were wrought through
                    the faith of some of these, as they followed The Lord, five points each.
BONUS#3.  Did any of those in this chapter receive the promise in their lifetime, yes or no?

Hebrews 10 Quiz

1. According to verse one and other references in Hebrews, did the OT law or sacrifices
make anyone "perfect?"

2. Did the OT law or sacrifices take away sins, yes or no?

3. Complete this verse, "For it is not possible that the blood of bulls and of goats should take
away __________."

4. What did he Lord take away that established the new covenant?

5. Complete this verse, " by the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of
Jesus Christ _______ _______ ________."

6. When the Roman Catholic Church performs the mass, is this basically Christ dying again, yes
or no?

7. Should we adhere more to the Word of God as our Authority or tradition and religious

8. Where did Christ sit after he paid for the sins of man on Calvary?

9. What book and chapter is referred to here regarding the covenant with Israel that The Lord will
make in the future, that was mentioned in chapter eight as well?

10. What word best defines the word, "remission?" A. Forgiveness B. Forgetting C. Payment

BONUS#1. What gives us the ability to boldly enter the "holiest" meaning the ability to approach
God the Father?
BONUS#2. Fill in the blanks, ". Let us draw near with a _______ heart in full assurance of
_________, having our hearts sprinkled from an __________ conscience, and our
bodies washed with pure water?
BONUS#2. What Is the believing reader told to hold fast to in verse 23?
BONUS#4. There are two things we are told to provoke others to, name them, five points each.
BONUS#5. Which of the following best defines the word "forsake?" A. Miss occasionally
B. Quit. C. Not remember
BONUS#6. What happened to those referenced that despised Moses law in Deut. 17?
BONUS#7. Fill in the blanks, five points each. "It is a ________ thing to fall into the _______
of the living God."
BONUS#8. What is the reader told not to cast away in verse 35? A. His confidence B. His water
baptism. C. His testimony
BONUS# 9. Fill in the blanks, five points each. " But we are not of them who draw _______ unto
__________; but of them that believe to the saving of the _______."

Hebrews 9 Quiz

1. What three items are mentioned as being in the sanctuary in verse two?

2. Name as many items as you can that are listed as being in the Holy of Holies section of the
OT tabernacle, five points each.

3. Who only was supposed to go into the Holy of Holies?

4. How often did the above individual go into the Holy of Holies to offer sacrifices?

5. What is the OT sacrifice a figure of?

6. According to verse 12, what did Christ obtain for those that believe on Him?

7. According to verse 14, what should be a result of our trusting in the sacrifice of Christ?

8. What term is used in this chapter that also means covenant or agreement?

9. Regarding the use of he word "testament" in this chapter, what modern word could it be
equated to?

10. What did Moses sprinkle in the OT with blood that is referred to here, five points each

BONUS#1. Complete this verse, "... And without shedding of blood is no ________."
BONUS#2. Who does Christ appear in the presence of God for, according to verse 24?
BONUS#3. Write out Hebrews 9:27.

Hebrews 8 Quiz

1. What word is used here, referring to Christ, that means servant?

2. What two words are used here that are similar to the word "tabernacle."

3. Who is the mediator of the new covenant?

4. What OT incident with Moses and The Lord is referred to in this chapter?

5. What words can define the word "covenant?" A. Agreement B. Contract C. License
D. All of the above

6. Was the first covenant perfect or faultless, yes or no?

7. What OT book and chapter is being referred to in verses 8-10?

8. What time period is being referenced in verse 11?

9. What OT book is being referred to in verse 11?

10. Who is the covenant of Jeremiah 31 with?

BONUS #1. What will The Lord not remember when these prophecies are fulfilled?
BONUS#2. How many chapters are in the book of Hebrews?

Hebrews 7 Quiz

1. Where was Melchisedec king of?

2. What percentage did Abraham give to Melchisedec of the spoils?

3. There are three things listed that Melchisedec was "without," name them, five points each.

4. Who is Melchisedec likened to in this chapter?

5. Under what priesthood was the law given as mentioned in verse 11?

6. According to verse 19, did the law make anyone perfect, yes or no?

7. Fill in the blanks, five points each. " Wherefore he is able to save them to the
______________ that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make __________ for

8. Referring to Christ, our high priest, there are five things listed about him in verse 26, name
as many as you can, five points each.

9. Who did the OT high priests offer sacrifices for? There are two correct answers, five points

10. How many times did Christ die for the sins of the people?

BONUS#1. Give up to three scripture references of the death of Christ or His shed blood, five
points each.
BONUS#2. What form of the word Judah is used in this chapter?

Hebrews 6 Quiz

1. Fill in the blank, " Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto
__________; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward

2. What word best describes what the word "perfection" is referring to in this chapter?
A. Sinless B. Ideal C. Maturity

3. The writer lists six things that make up the "foundation" that these believers are to go on to,
name as many as you can, five points each.

4. Does this mean that the doctrines listed are unimportant, yes or no?

5. Would it be fair to state that the " going onto perfection" or maturity, the writer is referring to,
could be equivalent or at least similar to, those mentioned in the previous chapter that are
" of full age?"

6. There are five things listed regarding the one who falls away, name as many as you can, five
points each.

7. Which of the following definitions best describes the phrase " fall away?"
 A. Stumble B. Renounce one's faith C. Be deceived

8. According to verse nine and many other Bible verses, is anything supposed to accompany
salvation, yes or no?

9. Fill in the blanks, five points each. "And we desire that every one of you do shew the same
diligence to the full assurance of hope unto the _____: That ye be not _______, but
followers of them who through ______ and _________ inherit the promises."

10. What OT person is mentioned in this chapter as an illustration of patiently enduring and
obtaining a promise?

BONUS#1. What was the promise made and received by the above-mentioned individual?
BONUS#2. What OT book records the above-mentioned promise?
BONUS#3. There are other references to this individual in the NT, name as many book/chapter
references as you can, five points each.
BONUS#4. What one thing is listed here that God cannot do?
BONUS#5. What word best defines the word, "immutable?" A. Unchangeable B. All-knowing
C. Omnipotent

Hebrews 5 Quiz

1. What term is used in verse two for those that lack mental capacities to some degree?

2. There are two things listed that the OT High Priest offered?


4. Fill in the blanks, " and being made _______, he became the ________ of eternal
salvation unto all that obey him;"

5. What term is used that mentions one of the senses in verse 11, that is basically stating that
these particular readers were lacking understanding.

6. What drink is used to describe the basics of the Christian life or the things easy to

7. What brother of an OT leader is mentioned in this chapter?

8. What priesthood is mentioned in this chapter?

9. What term is used to illustrate the spiritual condition of these particular individuals that also
means "infant."

10. Which of the following could describe those who are able to handle strong meat?
A. Those who have maturity B. Those who have discernment C. Those who are from
a Christian family

BONUS#1. What does " strong meat" represent in this chapter?
BONUS#2. Instead of being taught, what position should the readers have had, regarding
some of the doctrines presented in this chapter and even the book?
BONUS#3. What OT book details much about the priesthood?

Hebrews 4 Quiz

1. Fill in the blanks, " Let us therefore _______, lest, a promise being left us of entering into
his rest, any of you should seem to come ______ of it."

2. According to verse two what has to be mixed with the preaching of the gospel on the part
of the hearer, to be profitable?

3. What is referenced in verse four that The Lord did on the seventh day during creation?

4. Complete this verse, "Seeing therefore it remaineth that some must enter therein, and they
to whom it was first preached entered not in because of _______."

5. What OT person is mentioned in this chapter?

6. Fill in the blank, " ...To day if ye will hear his voice, ______ not your hearts."

7. Fill in the blank, "There remaineth therefore a _______ to the people of God."

8. What have those that enter this rest "ceased from?"

9. What is the believer told to do to enter into that rest according to verse 11.

10. According to this same verse, what will the one fall into if they do not labour to enter into
the rest?

BONUS#1. There are three things listed that tell us what the word of God is, name them, five
points each.
BONUS#2. There are two things listed that the word of God divides, name them, five points
BONUS#3. What two things regarding the heart are we told the word of God is a discerner of,
name them, five points each.
BONUS#4. Fill in the blanks, " Seeing then that we have a great high priest, that is passed into
the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us ______ ______ our profession."
BONUS#5. According to verse 16, how may we come to the throne of grace?
BONUS#6. What act is being referred to regarding coming before the throne of grace?

Hebrews 3 Quiz

1. In verse one there are two terms used to describe the offices of The Lord Jesus Christ,
name them, five points each.

2. What OT prophet is mentioned in verse two?

3. Complete the verse, " For every house is builded by some man; but he that built all things
is ______."

4. Fill in the blanks, " But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we if we hold fast
the ___________ and the rejoicing of the hope_______ unto the end."

5. What is the root word for " provocation?"

6. What OT occurrence is the writer referring to when he speaks of the temptation?

7. What are the two main thoughts that the "rest" is referring to?

8. Which of the following could be thoughts that are taught in this chapter?

A. To continue in the faith B. to not depart from your profession of following Christ
C. To love the brethren D. for believers to not harden their hearts E. to exercise regularly

9. What time period is mentioned regarding the OT illustration the writer gives, ten years,
forty years, sixty years.

10. Complete this verse, " So we see that they could not enter in because of ________."

BONUS#1. According to verse twelve, what phrase is used for what can be used to
harden the believer into unbelief?
BONUS#2. What is the believer to do daily to help other saints continue in the faith?

Hebrews 2 Quiz

1. Complete the verse, "Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to things which we
have heard, lest at any time we should let them ______."

2. Who is mentioned in verse two whose words were steadfast?

3. Fill in the blank, " How shall we escape, if we neglect so great __________;..."

4. There are four things listed that God used to bear witness, name them, five points each.

5. Fill in the blanks, " ...What is man, that thou art ______ of him? or the son of man, that thou
__________ him?"

6. What did Christ "taste" for every man, according to verse nine?

7. What word is used in verse twelve that means assembly?

8. According to verse thirteen who had the power of death?

9. According to the same verse, who and what act destroyed the devil?

10. What form did The Lord Jesus Christ take to accomplish this feat? Circle all correct answers.
A. The seed of Abraham B. flesh and blood C. Man

BONUS#1. What word best defines the word "succour?" A. Lollipop B. Aid C. Benefit
BONUS#2. According to verse 15, when Christ destroyed the devil by His death on Calvary,
He delivered those who all their lifetime were subject to A. Sin B. Life
C. Bondage

Hebrews 1 Quiz

1. According to verse one, how did The Lord speak in the past to His people?

2. According to verse two, who was also involved in creation outside of God the Father?

3. This chapter teaches and greatly supports what important doctrine about Christ?

4. Who is the book of Hebrews written to?

5. Fill in the blank, " But unto the Son he saith, Thy throne, O _____ is for ever and ever; a
sceptre of righteousness is the sceptre of thy Kingdom."

6. Who is mentioned in verse 14 as being the footstool of Christ?

7. Who is sent forth to be ministers to the heirs of salvation?

8. In verse six, who is directed to worship Christ?

9. Is it scriptural to state that angels are babies that have died, yes or no?

10. What word best defines the word "divers?" A. Better B. Various C. Uncommon

BONUS#1. According to verse three, where was Christ in regards to the Father after He
purged the sins of the believers?
BONUS#2. Fill in the blank, " Hath in these _______ days spoken unto us by his Son,..."

Revelation Chapter 3 Quiz

1. What three churches does John write to in this chapter?

2. What are the believers of Sardis told to do, that if not done, will result in them being blind or
surprised regarding the return of Christ?

3. Fill in the blank, " if therefore thou shalt not _______, I will come upon thee as a ________,..."

4. According to verse four, who will wear white and walk with Christ?

5. What important book is mentioned in verse five?

6. Unscramble the following letters to find a word that is used many times in the messages to
the churches and in so doing, will result in the believer being clothed in white raiment, eating
the hidden manna and being given authority and rule over the nations in the future-

7. What item is mentioned as a possession of David's, that Christ has during the time of John
writing to those of Philadelphia?

8. What will Christ keep the saints of Philadelphia from, IF they keep the word of his patience?

9. What term is used at times in the book of Revelation that means to persevere, the act or
quality of waiting long for justice or expected good without discontent, a calm temper which
bears evils without murmuring or discontent etc.?

10. In your own words, what does the word lukewarm mean?

BONUS#1. There are three things listed that describes how the the lukewarm believers at
Laodicea feel about themselves, that causes them to be lukewarm, name them, five points
BONUS#2. The Lord lists five things that lists how these believers actually are, name them,
five points each.
BONUS#3. According to verse 19 and other scriptures, what does The Lord do to his people
when they sin, because He loves them?
BONUS#4. According to much of what we read in chapters two and three, who is given the
responsibility of of overcoming and persevering?

Philemon Quiz

1. Who wrote the book of Philemon?

2. Who does Paul name as apparently being with him, in his greeting?

3. What was the name of the "servant" that Paul is writing to Philemon about?

4. According to historical documents and a common definition of the word "servant,". what word
could describe Onesimus' position?

5. Where was Paul when he wrote the book of Philemon?

6. What does it appear Philemon's position was to Onesimus?

7. Does it seem from the wording in the passage that Paul led Onesimus to conversion to Christ?

8. According to the letter/ book, who would repay Philemon any debt Onesimus owed him?

9. Based on wording in the letter, what age group was Paul when he wrote this letter?
A. An older man B. A young man or C. A middle-aged man

10. What does Paul request that Philemon regard Onesimus as rather than simply a servant?

BONUS#1. Paul mentions many fellow laborer s at the end of the chapter, name as many as you
can, five points each.
BONUS#2. Could chapter one, verse two be referring to a local assembly that met in the believer's home, yes or no.

Revelation Chapter 2 Quiz

1. How many churches does John write to in chapter two?

2. Who specifically is John writing to?

3. Who gave John these messages to the churches?

4. The church at Ephesus, despite many positives, had left their first _______.

5. What group is mentioned here that Christ hates, referenced to regarding two churches?

6. According to verse seven, who will eat of the tree of life in the paradise of God?

7. Regarding the church at Smyrna, who will cast some of them into prison?

8. What requirement is given to the believers in Smyrna for them to receive the crown of life?

9. According to verse eleven, who will not be hurt of the second death?

10. Who was martyred among the believers at Pergamos?

11. Twice in the message to the church at Pergamos someone is mentioned who dwells with
them, who is it?

12. In the message to the church at Thyatira, who is mentioned that was a seducing prophetess?

13. Where will those be cast that partake of and condone of the doctrine of this false teacher?

14. Complete this verse, " But that which ye have already hold fast ______ __ _________."

15. John tells the church at Thyatira that if they overcome and keep God's works unto the end,
they will have power over what?

Revelation Chapter 1 Quiz

1. Fill in the blank, " The Revelation of __________ _____________ , which God gave unto him,
to shew unto his servants things which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it
by his angel unto his servant John:

2. In verse two it is mentioned that John bare witness of two things, name them, five points each.

3. In verse three it states that those that read, hear and ________ the words of the prophecy (the
book of Revelation) will be blessed.

4. It is mentioned in verse four that John is writing to seven __________.

5. There is mention of seven __________, that are before the throne, in verse four.

6. According to verse six, believers are made kings and ____________ unto God.

7. Verse seven mentions that at Christ's coming, every eye shall see him, and they also which
____________ him.

8. What Greek term meaning beginning and ending is used here by The Lord, to describe

9. What Island was John on when writing Revelation?

10. Other than what has already been referenced, what other things are listed as being seven?

BONUS 1. Name the seven churches listed in this chapter that are mentioned in chapters two and
three, five points each.
BONUS 2. The person that is "like unto the Son of man" has the keys to death and _______.
BONUS 3. What seven items represent the seven churches?
BONUS 4. In the chapter, who do the seven stars represent?

2 Timothy 4 Quiz

1. According to verse 1, God the Father and The Lord Jesus Christ will judge the quick
and the ___________.

2. Fill in the blank, "_________ the word; be instant in season, out of season..."

3. There is a list of things in verse 2 that tie in with the command above, name them. 5 points

4. What body part is mentioned with the word "itching" that is in reference to many in the last
days that will not endure sound doctrine?

5. What does the word "doctrine" mean?

6. Paul commands Timothy here to do the work of an ___________.

7. Fill in the blanks, 5 points each. " I have fought a good ________, I have finished my
___________, I have kept the _______:..."

8. Other than Paul, who will receive a crown of righteousness on Judgment Day?

9. Who forsook Paul as recorded in this chapter?

10. What did the above person love, that apparently caused him to forsake Paul?

BONUS#1. Who did Paul tell Timothy to bring along that was profitable to Paul's ministry?
BONUS #2. According to verse 18, who would preserve Paul unto the Kingdom?
BONUS #3. What coppersmith does Paul mention that did him much evil?
BONUS #4. Paul names three items that he left in Troas, what were they?
BONUS#5 What is the last word in this chapter?

James Book Overview

1. To whom is the book of James specifically written?

2. How many chapters are in the book of James?

3. What is a believer to do if they lack wisdom, according to 1:5?

4. What best describes some of what chapter one covers?
A. Biblical Giving B. Being a Doer of The Word.  C. Providing for Widows

5. What would best describe chapter two?
A. Faith and Works  B. Being a Doer of the Word C. Prerequisites for Elders

6. What OT person is mentioned as an illustration in chapter two?

7. What part of the body is taught on in chapter three?
 A. The Eyes B. The Heart C. The Tongue

8. What subject is mention in chapter four?
A. Humility B. Patience C. The Deity of Christ

9. What category of persons is mentioned in chapter five?
 A. The Poor B. the Rich C. The Ugly

10. Two OT men are mentioned in chapter five, name them. 5 points each.

Philemon Book Overview

1. Who wrote the book of Philemon?

2. In the greeting, who is mentioned as giving a greeting other than Paul?

3. Who is the person that Paul is concerned about, that is the purpose of the book being written?

4. What was this person's relationship to Philemon?

5. In what city was Paul when he wrote this epistle?

6. Was Paul imprisoned at the time of this writing? (Yes or no)

7. Who actually wrote this epistle as Paul dictated, according to tradition and documentation?

8. Paul asks that Philemon salute or greet five people at the end of his epistle, name them. 5 points each.

9. Among those Paul requests Philemon greet, one is listed as a fellow prisoner; who is it?

10. In your own words, write out the general purpose of the book of Philemon.

BONUS# 1. In Paul's greeting at the beginning of the epistle, he names two individuals other than
Philemon, name them. 5 points each.

Hebrews Book Overview

1. Who is the book of Hebrews written to?

2. How many chapters are in the book of Hebrews?

3. Is it possible that the book of Hebrews was written mainly for those during the Tribulation?

4. Regardless of the above answer, is Hebrews still a book God's people should read, study and
seek to apply, where applicable? (Yes or No)

5. According to chapter 1, who are angels sent to minister to?

6. There are numerous OT individuals referred to in Hebrews, name as many as you can. 5 points each.

7. What OT office is referenced many times in the book of Hebrews, that can be both a reference
in the present dispensation to believers, AND to Christ as the highest in this position?

8. What OT God-ordained ritual is referred to many times in Hebrews?

9. According to the teaching of Hebrews, can the blood of bulls and goats take away sin?

10. Which chapter of Hebrews is commonly called the faith chapter?

BONUS# 1. Who is being referenced in chapter 12 with the term, a cloud of witnesses?
BONUS# 2. According to Hebrews 10, should a believer consistently miss the assembling of
the saints?
BONUS# 3 What group of created beings have some "entertained" without knowing so?
BONUS# 4. Who is the author and finisher of our faith?

2 Timothy Book Overview

1. How many epistles are in Scripture that Paul wrote to Timothy?

2. Paul uses a term in 2 Timothy that is a military term for a fighter, what is it?

3. What is Timothy told to "endure" in this book that would refer to difficulties?

4. What two relatives of Timothy does Paul mention on chapter one?

5. Fill in the blank, " No man that ________ entangleth himself with the affairs of this life."

6. There are 2 principles/commands that Paul gives Timothy regarding the Word of God, what
are they?

7. What 2 things does Paul tell Timothy to "shun"?

8. According to chapter 3, how much scripture is given by inspiration of God?

9. There are 4 things listed as being profitable concerning the scriptures, name them. 5
points each.

10. According to chapter 3, verses 16 and 17, what furnishes the believer to be able to
perform good works?

BONUS# 1 When Paul tells Timothy to preach the word and to reprove, rebuke etc. does this
concern JUST inside the local assembly or could it refer to outside of the church
as well?

BONUS# 2 Is this the last book that Paul wrote chronologically? (Yes or No)

Titus Book Overview

1. How many chapters are in the book of Titus?

2. What best defines Titus' position?
A. An Elder 
B. An Apostolic Delegate 
C. A Pastor

3. Where did Paul leave Titus to minister?
A. Crete 
B. Athens 
C. Rome

4. What was one main reason why Paul left Titus in this place?

5. What chapter of Titus mentions the prerequisites of the elders?

6. What other NT book gives the elder prerequisites?

7. In chapter 2, Paul deals with 4 categories of people, name them. 5 points each.

8. Is it the aged women or the younger women that are given commands to be discreet, chaste
keepers at home etc?

9. Would these commands be good for all of the sisters or just those particularly addressed
in the passage?

10. According to chapter 2, what has appeared to all men that brings salvation?

BONUS# 1 What term is used in Titus 2 to refer to the return of Christ?
BONUS# 2 There are directions given here in dealing with a heretick; after how many
admonitions or corrections is the heretick to be rejected?

1 Timothy Book Overview

1. What word or phrase best describes Timothy's position?
A. An apostolic delegate sent by Paul to perform edutainment duties in his place. 
B. Pastor 
C. Disciple

2. How many chapters are in the book of 1 Timothy?

3. Paul gives directional to Timothy regarding two offices in the local assembly; what are they?

4. What other word is interchangeable with Bishop in the NT?

5. When the scripture speaks of a believer providing for his own, who is being particularly

6. If a widow needs provision and there is no family left and she meet the requirements
that are given in the passage, who is to care for her?

7. What is referred to here that some have "put away" that have caused them to be
shipwrecked or spiritually stranded?

8. What is labeled here as being "good", and something that should be used lawfully?

9. Paul deals with many categories of people including bishops, elder men etc. Name as many
others as you can; 5 points each.

10. Paul gives a very large list in chapter one about WHO the law is for, name as many as you
can. Exact wording please. 5 points each.
BONUS# 1 According to 2 Timothy, who can fall into temptation, snares and hurtful lusts?
BONUS# 2 What city did Paul leave Timothy in to minister in Paul's stead?

1 Timothy 4 Quiz

1. Fill in the blank, " Now e Spirit speakers expressly, that in the latter times some shall ______
from the faith..."

2. There are two things listed that some in the last days will depart from, name them, 5 pts each.

3. What household item is mentioned regarding the conscience of some?

4. Regarding many in the last days, what is their command concerning marriage?

5. What are these same people commanding regarding the eating of meats?

6. What word is used in this chapter that is the root word for profanity?

7, 8. Fill in the blanks, 5 pts each. " but refuse profane and old wives ________ and exercise
thyself rather unto Godliness."

9. What kind of exercise profits little compared to spiritual things?

10. Does this mean that bodily e exercise does not profit at all?

BONUS # 1. According to v. 10, why did Paul suffer reproach?
BONUS # 2 What were others not to despise about Timothy?
BONUS # 3 Complete this verse, " These things command and __________."
BONUS # 4 Fill in the blanks, 5 pts each. ". This is a _________ saying and worthy of all

2 Timothy 4 Quiz

1. According to verse 1, God the Father and The Lord Jesus Christ will judge the quick
and the ___________.

2. Fill in the blank, "_________ the word; be instant in season, out of season..."

3. There is a list of things in verse 2 that tie in with the command above, name them. 5 points

4. What body part is mentioned with the word "itching" that is in reference to many in the last
days that will not endure sound doctrine?

5. What does the word "doctrine" mean?

6. Paul commands Timothy here to do the work of an ___________.

7. Fill in the blanks, 5 points each. " I have fought a good ________, I have finished my
___________, I have kept the _______:..."

8. Other than Paul, who will receive a crown of righteousness on Judgment Day?

9. Who forsook Paul as recorded in this chapter?

10. What did the above person love that apparently caused him to forsake Paul?

BONUS#1. Who did Paul tell Timothy to bring along that was profitable to Paul's ministry?
BONUS #2. According to verse 18, who would preserve Paul unto the Kingdom?
BONUS #3. What coppersmith does Paul mention that did him much evil?
BONUS #4. Paul names three items that he left in Troas, what were they?
BONUS#5 What is the last word in this chapter?

Titus 3 Quiz

1. In verse 1, Paul lists f4 things for Titus to " put in mind" to those he is discipline; 3
of these deal with submission to authorities, particularly governmental authorities. What words
does Paul use in describing these authorities? 5 points each.

2. According to verse 2, what type of men are the believers to speak evil of?

3. Does this mean that wicked men or false teachers should not be exposed?

4. What word is used in the passage that is another word for fighter?

5. Is it possible that the admonitions in this chapter were primarily written to the servants
that are addressed in chapter 2?

6. If the above is true, does that make these admonitions worthless to the general believer?

7. Fill in the blanks, 5 points each. "Not by works of _________ which we have done, but
according to his _________ he saved us, by the washing of _________, and renewing of the
Holy __________."

8. According to verse 7, what is the believer justified by?
A. Mercy 
B. Love 
C. Grace

9. What are believers told to "maintain" in verse 8?

10. 2 things are listed as characteristics of the above answer, name them. 5 points each.

BONUS#1. Verse 5 lists some characteristics of what believers "were" before conversion;
name as many as you can. 5 points each.
BONUS#2. There are 4 things listed that believers are to "avoid"; name them. 5 points
BONUS#3. Who is to be rejected after 2 times of being admonished or corrected?
A. Liar
B. Heretic 
C. Unbeliever

Titus 2 Quiz

1. There is a word used in verse 1 that is also used in chapter 1 describing doctrine, what is
the word?

2. There are instructions for the aged men and women in this chapter; is this referring to those
in the position of an elder or simply those that are older?

3. Does the NT EVER allude to female leadership in a local assembly?

4. What one word could describe both sober and grave?
A. Serious 
B. Devout 
C. Smart

5. The phrase " keepers at home" is used as instructions to the sisters, what one word best
defines the word "keep?"
A. Worker 
B. Guard 
C. Trainer

6. Complete the verse, " Young men likewise exhort to be _______ __________".

7. There are 5 exhortations listed for servants, name as many as you can. 5 points each.

8. What has appeared to all men according to verse 11 that brings salvation?

9. Fill in the blanks, "Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live
____________, _____________ and ____________ in this present world."

10. What term is used here in verse 13 referring to the return of Christ that believers are to
look for?

BONUS#1 There are two things listed regarding what type of people the saved are supposed
to be, list them. 5points each.
BONUS #2 Fill in the blanks, "These things speak, and ______, and _______ with all
_____________. Let no man ________ thee."

Titus 1 Quiz

1. Fill in the blank, "In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot _____, promised before the
world began;"

2. According to verse 3, God has in due times manifested his word through ________?

3. What term best describes Titus' position?
A. A pastor. 
B. Delegate sent by Paul to perform certain duties and responsibilities in Paul's place. 
C. An Apostle

4. What familiar 3 words does Paul use as a greeting to Titus? 5 points each.

5. Who was Titus to ordain in every city?

6. Does this passage and other NT passages, teach a plurality of elders?

7. What term is used in this chapter that is interchangeable with elder?

8. How do we know they are interchangeable and not different offices?

9. What would is used here to describe those that oppose the truth?

10. What is an elder to use to convince the those referred to in the last question? There are
2 possible answers. 5 points each.

BONUS #1. What other book and chapter gives the prerequisites for elders?
BONUS# 2. Name as many of the elder requirements as you can, 5 points each.
BONUS # 3 There are 3 characteristics listed of the Cretians, that one of their own
prophets said; name them. 5 points each.
BONUS# 4. Unto the pure all things are ______.
BONUS #5 There are 3 characteristics listed about the unbelieving, after it is stated that even
though they profess they know God, in their works they deny him; name them. 5
points each.

2 Timothy 3 Quiz

1. According to verse 1, what kind of times will come in the last days?

2. According to verse 4, what will many in the last days love more than God?

3. Fill in the blank, "Having a form of ________, but denying the power thereof: from such
turn away."

4. What are those in verses 6 and 7 never able to come to the knowledge of?

5. Paul mentions the names of the two men that opposes Moses, name them. 5 points each.

6. There are two characteristics of the men described in the chapter that are like those that
opposed Moses, name them. 5 points each.

7. Paul names 3 cities where he received persecution and afflictions, name them. 5 points

8. Fill in the blank, "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer ________."

9. According to verse 16, how much scripture is given by inspiration of God?

10. Give the definition for inspired.

BONUS #1. There are 19 things listed as characteristics of those living in the last days,
name as many as you can, with exact wording. 5 points each.
BONUS # 2. Paul mentions 9 things that Paul knew of Timothy, the first one listed is
doctrine; name as many of the others as you can. 5 points each.
BONUS #3. There are 4 things listed that the Word of God is profitable for; name them. 5 points each.
BONUS #5. Fill in the blanks,
"That the man of God may be _______, thoroughly furnished
unto all good _______."

2 Timothy 1 Quiz

1. What particular thing does Paul remember about Timothy regarding his Christian life?

2. What was the name of Timothy's mother?

3. What was the name of Timothy's grandmother?

4. What was Paul trying to "stir up" by remembrance in Timothy's life?

5. Fill in the blank, " For God hath not given us the spirit of _______..."

6. In completing the above verse, Paul lists 3 things that The Lord has given us, name
them. 5 points each.

7. Paul encouraged Timothy not to be what, concerning the testimony of the Lord and Paul's

8. Paul was appointed to be 3 things according to verse 11; name as many as you can. 5 points each.

9. Fill in the blanks, 5 points each. "....for I know whom I have __________, and am
persuaded that he is able to ________ that which I have ____________ unto him against
that day."

10. What kind of words was Timothy to hold fast to, according to verse 13?
A. Good 
B. Pure
C. Sound

BONUS#1 Paul names 2 men that turned away from him; name them. 5 points each.
BONUS#2. Who does Paul ask the Lord to give mercy to, who sought out Paul and refreshed him?

2 Timothy 2 Quiz

1. Fill in the blank, "Thou therefore, my son, be _______ in the grace that is in Christ Jesus."

2. Is Paul referring here to physical or spiritual strength?

3. What type of men was Timothy to commit what Paul had taught him?

4. What is mentioned by Paul in verse 3 that Timothy was encouraged to "endure?"

5. What term is used in verse 3 describing a good Christian?
A. Brother 
B. Soldier 
C. Police Officer

6. Fill in the blanks, 5 points each. " No man that warreth _________ himself with the _____
of this life; that he may _______ him who hath chosen him to be a soldier."

7. According to verse 5, how is the person striving for mysteries supposed to strive?
A. Lawfully
B. Legally 
C. Honestly

8. What OT person is mentioned in this chapter?

9. There are 4 things listed that Paul states a believer is to follow. The first is righteousness,
name as many of the others as you can. 5 points each.

10. What do foolish and unlearned questions "gender" or result in?

BONUS # 1. There are 2 things Paul tells Timothy that he is to do regarding the Word, the first is to_________ to show thyself approved and the other is to _________ __________ the word of
BONUS # 2. Is the command for the servant of the Lord to be gentle referring to always, or the
servant's general demeanor?
BONUS # 3. Name a time when the Lord Jesus Christ was not gentle.
BONUS # 4. According to verse 26, who snares and takes captive many?

1 Timothy 6 Quiz

1.  Does the wording of "servant" and "master" seem to denote, A. Employment B. Slavery C. None
     of the above

2.  If the Bible does refer to slavery to some degree, does this mean that the Lord encourages slavery
     as we have seen in the last two hundred years in our country, yes or no?

3.  Should any person be treated differently based upon their color, lineage or financial status?

4.  There are four things listed that characterize the person that will not consent to wholesome words
      and correct doctrine, name them, 5 pts. each.

5.  There are at least five things listed that result from these characteristics, name as many as you can,
      5 pts. each.

6.  Fill in the blank, "But godliness with ____________ is great gain."

7.  There are two things listed that when had, should keep us content, name them.

8.  Is money the root of all evil?

9.  There are six things listed that the man of God is to follow after, name as many as you can, 5 pts.

10.  Fill in the blank, "Fight the __________ fight of faith..."

BONUS#1 There are two things listed that the rich can fall into, name them, 5 pts. each
BONUS#2  Who gives us all things to enjoy?
BONUS#3  Twice in this chapter the believer is told to lay hold on something, what is it?
BONUS#4  Is "gain", meaning wealth and possessing many material possessions, godliness or a
                    sign of godliness?
BONUS#5  There are three things listed that Paul tells Timothy to avoid, name them, 5 pts. each.

1 Timothy 5 Quiz

1. Are there two types of elders mentioned in this chapter, ruling elders and men that are just older, yes or no?

2. Would verse one be dealing with those in the office of an elder or just one that is older.

3. Who has the first responsibility of caring for a widow?

4. What does the term, "widow indeed" mean?

5. If there are no relatives to care for a widow, who then should take care of their needs?

6. What is the age requirement that Paul gives for a widow to be cared for by the local assembly?

7. There are four things listed that Paul recommends that the young widows do, name as many
as you can, 5 pts each.
8. There are two things listed regarding the elders that are worthy of double honor ( receiving
gifts), what are they?

9. Is it correct for a younger man to rebuke an elder man, generally? Yes or no?

10. What type of infirmity did Timothy apparently suffer from on a regular basis?

BONUS 1 In your own words, what is Paul referring to when he tells Timothy to "lay hands
suddenly on no man?"

BONUS 2 Complete the verse, " ...the laborer is worthy of his _________."
BONUS 3 What does the word "infidel" mean?

I Timothy 3 Quiz

1. What two offices of a local assembly are listed here?

2. What word is interchangeable with Bishop?

3. What other book and chapter gives prerequisites for Elders?

4. Among the listed requirements, what should a Bishop be apt to do?

5. What listed requirement for Bishops means serious or solemn?

6. According to this passage, is it necessary for a Bishop to have his children in subjection?

7. Fill in the blank, "Not a -----------, lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation
of the devil."

8. Is it implied from this passage that a Bishop be married and have children, yes or no?

9. What type of a report is the Bishop to have before the unsaved?

10. What are deacons not to be greedy of?

BONUS1 What important doctrine does verse 16 teach and support?
BONUS2 When was God manifest in the flesh, in your own words?
BONUS3 Who was preached unto the Gentiles and received up into glory?
BONUS4 Would it be good for every man young and old, to strive to meet these requirements?
BONUS5 Whose wives are mentioned here, the Bishops or the Deacons?

1 Timothy 2 Quiz

1.  What does Paul exhort should be made Kings and those in Authority?  Name them, 5 points each.

2.  Two words are used to describe the life that those will LEAD under the rule of those that are
     mentioned here, name them, 5 points each.

3.  Fill in the blanks, "Who will have _____ men to be saved, and to come unto the ______________
     of the truth."

4.  Does the Lord MAKE people get saved, yes or no?

5.  According to verse five, how many mediators are there between God and men?

6.  What well-known false religious system is 2 :5 applicable to?

7.  There are three things listed that Paul is ordained as, name them, 5 points each.

8.  What two things are prerequisites to men praying with hands lifted up?

9.  What type of apparel are women to be adorned in according to 2:9?

10.  What characteristic is a Godly woman to  have or be adorned with? "_______ works."

BONUS#1 Complete the verse, "Let the woman learn in silence with all _______."
BONUS#2 According to verse 14, who was deceived first, Adam or Eve?
BONUS#3 There are two characteristics linked with along with the type of apparel in 2:9,
                   both start with the letter "s."  Name them, 5 points each.

1 Timothy 1 Quiz

1.  What earthly term is used in verse two to describe Timothy's spiritual relationship to Paul?

2.  Paul mentions two things that Timothy was not to "take heed" to, name them, 5 points each.

3.  What does heeding these two things cause at times, according to this verse?

4.  What of the following can the word "fables" refer to.  Circle each correct answer, 5 points for
      each correct answer. Historical accounts, Fiction, Made-up stories, Myths, Legends

5.  What group of people best describes who the law was designed for? A. The Righteous B. The
      Christians C. The UnGodly

6.  Fill in the blank, "And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who hath enabled me, for that he counted me
     ______________, putting me into the ministry."

7.  What word is used here in Paul's charge to Timothy that means "battle" or "fight?"

8.  There are two names mentioned of men that were delivered unto Satan, that they learn not to
      blaspheme.  Name them, 5 points each.

9.  What phrase best describes the words "vain jangling?"  A. Continuously tossing items in the air,
      without letting them drop B. Idle Words C. Worthless running

10.  Name as many cities as you can that Paul mentions in this chapter, 5 points each.

BONUS#1 Paul lists three characteristics of his behavior as a lost man, name them. 5 points each.
BONUS#2 There are six GENERAL categories listed in reference to who the law was designed for,
                   one of these is the answer to question 5.  Name as many of the others as you can, 5 points
BONUS#3 There are four words used in verse 17 to describe the Lord Jesus Christ (possibly 5), name
                   them, 5 points each.
BONUS#4 Though many label Timothy as a pastor, what is another more likely possibility as his
                   position?  An ___________ delegate.

2 Thessalonians 3 Quiz

1.  Paul refers in verse 2 to men that he desired to be delivered from, name as many characteristics as you
     can about these men, 5 points each.

2.  Complete the verse, "But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from __________."

3.  Is there ANY reference in this chapter to the Lord's return, yes or no?

4.  What does the word "disorderly" mean, in a general sense?

5.  What does the word "disorderly" mean in this chapter?

6.  What word best describes Paul's position? A. Elder B. Pastor C. Apostle

7.  Other than forming and instructing believers regarding NT assemblies and other matters, what was Paul's
      main serving ministry?

8.  What work did Paul do to provide for many of his needs?

9.  Was it acceptable for Paul to receive support from God's people, yes or no?

10.  According to Paul's writings here, is a person who is being disorderly to be fellowshipped with?

BONUS#1 Fill in the blanks, 5 points each.  "Yet count him not as an ___________, but admonish
him as a ______________."
BONUS#2  In verse 11, Paul gives a characteristic of those that are disorderly, name it.

2 Thessalonians 1&2 Quiz

1. What word best describes the word "meet" as it is used here in chapter one? A. Acceptable
B. fit C. Good

2. Paul mentions two things that they gloried in regarding the Thessalonians believers'
Persecutions and tribulations they have gone through. Name them, 5 points each.

3. Fill in the blank, " Which is a manifest ------------- of the righteous judgment of God.."

4. What word is used to describe the fire in the illustration of The Lord taking vengeance on
the lost at His return?

5. What type of destruction will the lost be punished with according to 1:9?

6. What word is used in 1:8 regarding those that reject the gospel, "that -------- not the gospel
of our Lord Jesus Christ:"

7. What word best describes the word beseech? A. Beg B. Intreat C. Likes

8. Does it sound like the believers of Thessalonica were troubled about The Lord's return, yes
or no?

9. Who will be revealed before the Day of Christ according to chapter two?

10. What particular trait will accompany the false prophet during the Great Tribulation?

BONUS #1 What two other books in the Bible speak of the Great Tribulation?
BONUS #2 What is the common phrase used to describe the time when the Anti-Christ
refers to Himself as God?
BONUS# 3. Who will send delusion to those that reject the gospel during the Tribulation?
BONUS # 4 What term is used describing what will happen to those who reject the gospel,
having pleasure in unrighteousness?
BONUS# 5 What one word would describe what seems to be Paul's main thought about their
misunderstanding of when The Lord would return, he was trying to -------- them.

1 Thes. 5 Quiz

1.  Fill in the blanks, five points each. "For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the ________
     so cometh as a ____________ in the night."

2.  Two things are listed here as being the general consensus of the times, but destruction will come
      suddenly.  Name them, 5 points each.

3.  What illustration is used regarding the above question, A. A person's death B. A woman giving
      birth or C. Having a heart attack

4.  In verse 5, Paul tells the brethren that they are children of what? A. Light B. Truth C. God

5.  What word best describes the word "sober?" A. Not drunk B. Quiet C. Serious

6.  According to verse 9, what has God NOT appointed us to? A. Judgment B. The Tribulation
     C. Wrath

7.  Fill in the blanks regarding Paul's exhortation in verse 14.  "No w we exhort you, brethren, warn
     them that are ___________, comfort the ____________________, support the ___________, be
     patient toward all men.

8.  According to verse 16, what are believers to do evermore?

9.  Pray without ____________.

10.  In what are believers to give thanks according to verse 18? A. Every thing B. Some things C. All

BONUS#1 How does Paul state the brethren were to greet one another?
BONUS#2 According to verse 23, how many parts are there to a human being?
BONUS#3 Name these parts? 5 points each
BONUS#4 What exact term is used to describe what believers are to abstain from?
BONUS#5 According to 5:4, what are believers NOT IN, that the day should overtake them as a

1 Thes. 3 and 4 Quiz

1.  Where did Paul think it good to be left alone?

2.  There are two reasons why Paul sent Timothy and the others to the Thessalonians, name them,
      5 points each.

3.  Fill in the blank, "For now we live, if ye stand ___________ in the Lord."

4.  What did Paul state they were trying to do concerning what was lacking in their faith?

5.  Fill in the blank, "To the end he may establish your hearts ________________ in holiness
     before God, ..."

6.  Fill in the blank, "For this is the will of God, even your ______________, that ye should abstain
     from fornication:"

7.  There is a word used in chapter 4 that means the body, what is it? A. Ship B. Vessel C. Image

8.  What does Paul command that a brother is not to do regarding his treatment of another brother?
      A. Steal From B. Lie to C. Defraud

9.  According to 4:9, who does a person actually despise if they despise a man? A. God B. Himself
     C. His parents

10.  There are three things listed by Paul that the brethren were to do.  The first one is to study to be
        quiet.  Name the other two, 10 points each.

BONUS#1 The word sleep many times refers to what, in the scriptures?
BONUS#2 According to chapter 4, who will rise first, A. Those living or B. Those that are dead
BONUS#3 There are three things that will be heard at Christ's return listed in 4:16, name as many as you can, 5 points each.
BONUS#4 What was Paul's purpose in discussing the return of Christ, according to the last verse
of chapter 4?

1 Thessalonians 1 and 2 Quiz

1.  Two brethren are mentioned in the first verse as being with Paul in his regards to the believers of
      Thessalonica, name them.  5 points each

2.  There are three things listed in verse three that Paul remembers about them, name them, 5 points

3.  Fill in the blank, "For our word came not unto you in word only, but also in ________, and in the
     Holy Ghost,..."

4.  What word does Paul use in this chapter that sounds like and has a similar definition to
      the word, ensample?

5.  What does verse 9 give a good illustration of, A. Church membership B. Repentance
      C. Penance

6.  There is mention in 1:10 of Jesus delivering believers from the "wrath to come."  To what is this
      probably referring to?

7.  Complete this section of 2:2, "...we were bold in our God to speak unto you the gospel of God
      with much _____________."

8.  Does this mean they spoke with contention or that the gospel caused contention?

9.  According to verse 4 of chapter 2, what are we as believers, put in trust with A. The gospel
     B. money C. Friends

10.  What kind of words did Paul state he did not use?  A. Polished B. Convincing C. Flattering

BONUS#1 Who hindered Paul and the others from coming to the Thessalonians?
BONUS#2 In 1 Thes. 1:9 what does Paul state the Thessalonians did in regards to the living and
                   true God after they had turned from their idols?
BONUS#3 When Paul uses the word "chargeable" in chapter 2, what is he referring to?
                   A. That the brethren would not have to use their charge cards B. That Paul did not
                   want to be a financial burden to them C. That he would owe them for any debt he had
                    acquired while with them.
BONUS#4 Paul states that the believers of Thessalonica were three things to him and the others,
                   in the time of the Lord's return, name as many as you can, 5 points each.

Colossians 4 Quiz

1.  What controversial subject does it sound verse one is referring to?

2.  What term is used here that is used in many of Paul's Epistles, the ________ of Christ?

3.  According to verse 6, what type of speech is the believer to have? A Speech with grace
     B. Speech with dignity C. Speech with clarity

4.  Did Jesus ALWAYS speak with grace, yes or no?

5.  Give one reference or example where Jesus did not speak or act with grace?

6.  According to some wording in this passage, does it sound like Paul was a prisoner at this
     time, yes or no?

7.  There is a brother mentioned whose name was Jesus, but he was called by another name, what is

8.  What term is used in verse 15 that means a called out assembly?

9.  There is an epistle mentioned in verse 16 that Paul states was to be read to the brethren of
      Colosee, where was this Epistle from?

10.  Who is mentioned as having a great zeal for the believers at Colossee as well as those of

BONUS#1 Who is mentioned as being a fellowprisoner with Paul?
BONUS#2 What one brother is mentioned as specifically being a beloved brother AND a faithful
                   minister and fellowservant of the Lord?
BONUS#3 Who is mentioned in this chapter that is a physician who also wrote a gospel?
BONUS#4 Who is mentioned that later forsakes Paul, becoming a lover of the world?

Colossians 3 Quiz

1.  What are believers to seek according to verse one, those things which are ___________.

2.  Does this mean believers should A. Never think of things other than spiritual things or
     B. keep their focus on the spiritual, rather than the material.
3.  Fill in the blank, "Set your __________ on things above, not on things on the earth."

4.  Does the word affection have to do with A. Emotion B. Care or C. Understanding?

5.  According to this important truth, what should the believer have his love for more, the
     things of the world or the things of the earth?

6.  What word best describes the word "mortify?" A. Put away B. Put down C. Put to death

7.  Whose responsibility is it to "mortify" oneself?  A. God's B. You C. The preacher

8.  According to verse 5, what is covetousness likened to or called?

9.  What word could describe the word "man" the way it is used in this chapter. A. Nature B. Dude
      C. Lifestyle

10.  Fill in the blank, "And above all these things put on _________, which is the bond of

BONUS#1 There are three types of music listed in verse 16, name as many as you can, 5 pts each.
BONUS#2 What is the responsibility of the wife to her husband as listed here?
BONUS#3 What is the responsibility of the husband to the wife as listed here?
BONUS#4 What is the responsibility of the father to the children as listed here?
BONUS#4 What is the responsibility of the children to the parents as listed here?
BONUS#5 According to the last verse of the chapter, will a person who "does wrong" be punished?

Colossians 2 Quiz

1.  There are two things stated in verse three that mentions two things that In God the Father and
      Christ are hid all the treasures of.  5 points for each.

2.  In the first verse, Paul mentions believers from another city, name it.

3.  What type of words did Paul state men would use try to beguile them?

4.  According to verse 5, what did Paul "behold" about the faith of the believers at Colossee?

5.  Complete this verse, "As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so ______
     ye in him:"

6.  According to verse 8, how are the believers to abound? A. With peace B. With Thanksgiving
     C. With Prayer

7.  There are four things mentioned that could "spoil" them, name as many as you can, 5 points each.

8.  Fill in the blank, "And ye are __________in him, which is the head of all principality and

9.  What OT practice is mentioned in this chapter?

10.  What is mentioned in verse twelve that mentions the believer being buried with Christ?

BONUS#1  What phrase that is used in this chapter means to be made alive?
BONUS#2  According to verse 13, how many trespasses are forgiven by God when one is converted?
BONUS#3  According to verse 14, what was blotted out, that was contrary to us, and was nailed to
BONUS#4  According to this chapter, what were the holydays and Sabbath days a shadow of?

Colossians 1 Quiz

1.  Who wrote the epistle to the Colossians?

2.  Who is mentioned in verse one as also greeting the brethren of Colosse?

3.  What verse in this chapter is typically corrupted in the modern translations?

4.  What three-word phrase is left out of this verse in nearly all modern translations?

5.  Fill in the blank, "That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all ___________, ..."

6.  According to this chapter and other scripture references in the Epistles, who is the head of
     the "church?"

7.  Is the local church being referred to here in this passage or the Body of Christ, not local?

8.  According to verse 17, who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature?

9.  According to verse 17, by Christ, all things A. Continue B. Take Place or C. Consist

10.  What word is used twice towards the end of the chapter. that is used in other Epistles, that refers
        to the dispensation of the grace of God,  "Even the ___________which hath been hid from ages
        and from generations, but now is made manifest to his saints."

BONUS#1 What passage also refers to the "reconciliation?"
BONUS#2 There are three words used by Paul in this chapter describing the desire for how God's
                   people should be presented to Christ or In Christ, name as many as you can, 5 pts. each.
BONUS#3 According to verse 16, all things were created by Christ and ________ him.  Fill in.
BONUS#4 Fill in the blank which consists of 4 words, "And, having made peace through the ____
                   __________ ______________ ____________, by him to reconcile all things unto
BONUS#5 Fill in the blanks, "That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being _____
                   in every good work, and increasing in the ______________ of God."
BONUS#6  According to this chapter ( and the NT) who or what makes us "meet" to be partakers
                    of the inheritance of the saints? A. God the Father B. Christ B. Water Baptism

SURVEY: How Much Time Do You Spend in Your Bible?

Just curious.  To all those that follow this blog, how much time do you spend on average in the Word of God, weekly, on average.  Please comment.

Philippians 4 Quiz

1.  According to this chapter, were there women that labored with Paul in the gospel?

2.  Name any women that are mentioned in this chapter, 5 points each.

3.  Fill in the blank that completes the verse, "Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say,

4.  According to verse 5, what is to be made known unto all men. A. Simplicity B. Faith
     C. Moderation

5.  Fill in the blanks, 5 points each.  "Be ___________ for nothing; but in everything by prayer and
     _______________ with ________________ let your requests be made  known unto God."

6.  When Paul writes about being abased and abound, to what is he referring?

7.  When Paul left Macedonia, how many churches does he list along with the Phillippian believers,
      that supported his ministry?

8.  What word is more closely associated with the word "think?"  A. Meditate B. Dream C. Presume

9.  Name as many things as you can that are listed that believers are to "think" on, 5 points each.

10.  What three word phrase is used in this chapter that passes all understanding and that will keep
        the hearts and minds of God's people, apparently as they are praying regarding certain issues?

BONUS#1 Paul lists 4 things that believers are to follow concerning Paul, the first is what they have
learned from him.  Name as many of the other three as you can, 5 points each.
BONUS#2 Who is named as delivering the support gift to Paul from the Philippian believers?
BONUS#3 Paul states here that he did not desire a gift (financial support) but what, that would abound to their account?

Philippians 3 Quiz

1.  Paul lists three categories of people that the believers were to beware of, name as many as you can,
     5 points each.

2.  What was Paul's religious heritage as mentioned here?

3.  What word meaning "waste' does Paul use in this chapter illustrating what he considered those things that 
      were contrary to having Christ?

4&5. Fill in the blanks, 'And being found in him, not having mine own ____________________, 
     which is of the _________, but that which is through the faith of Christ, the righteousness which is of God
      by faith;"

6.  Paul lists three things that, one is the fellowship of his sufferings.  Name the other two, 5 points each.

7.  Fill in the blank, "I press toward the _______________ for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ

8.  According to what Paul writes in this chapter, what have those become who did not continue walking
     with Christ/

9.  Do those mentioned above mind A. Earthly things or B. Spiritual things

10.  What word best describes the word "conversation" as it us used in many scripture passages?

BONUS#1 According to the last verse, what phrase is used to describe our bodies?
BONUS#2 Regarding the ones mentioned who are now enemies of the cross, what is listed as being their
BONUS#3 In this chapter was Paul boasting of his own righteousness or revealing that the righteousness of
the law was worthless compared to Christ?
BONUS#4 Name the OT reference that teaches that all our righteousness is as filthy rags?

Philippians 2 Quiz

Philippians 2 Quiz
11.        Who does Paul mentions in chapter 2 that cared for the believers of Philippi?
22.       Who is mentioned in v. 6 as being in the form of God?
33.       This chapter also tells us that the Lord Jesus Christ took upon himself the form of a __________
44.       Fill in the blanks, “Do all things without _______________ and ______________________.
55.       Who is mentioned in this chapter as being sick and full of heaviness?
66.       Who has a name that is above every other name, according to chapter 2?
77.       Who will bow to Jesus Christ as Lord one day A. The saved B. All people C. The Jews
88.       According to v. 3, nothing is to be done through strife or ___________________.
99.       According to this chapter, who works in the believer to will and to do that of his good pleasure.
A.      Christ B. The Holy Spirit C. God the Father
110.   What relationship does Paul use here to refer to Timothy?
        BONUS#1  Who is each believer to esteem above themselves?     
        BONUS#2   There are two words Paul uses here to describe the present nation, what are they?

Philippians 1 Quiz

Philippians 1 Quiz
11.        What is the name of the place in which the Philippians lived?
22.       Fill in the blank, “I thank my God upon every ____________ of you all.”
33.       Verse 6 tells us that God has begun a great work in the believer.  According to this verse,How long will He perform this work?
A.      Until the 1000 yr. reign B. Until the final judgment C.  Until the day of Jesus Christ
44.       Fill in the blanks, “And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in ___________ and in all _________________________.”
55.       Did Paul A. rejoice or B. grieve that the gospel was preached?
66.       According to v. 21, to Paul what was it if he died?
77.       What word best describes the word conversation as it is used here and in other scriptures?                                                                                            
A. Manner of life B. Speech C. Lifestyle
88.       According to the wording in this chapter, was Paul imprisoned during the writing of Phillipians?
99.       Does salvation in the scriptures always refer to eternal salvation, yes or no?
110.   According to v. 21, the one who believes on Christ is also called to do what for his sake?
BONUS#1  How did Paul being in bonds affect the preaching of the brethren?
BONUS#2 There are three things listed as reasons as to why some were preaching Christ, name as many as you can, 5 points each.
BONUS#3 According to v. 27, write down in your own words, what Paul desired to see from the believers he was writing to.

Ephesians 6 Quiz

1.  What command is given here in v. 1 to children?

2.  In v. 2 there is another command to children, which is labeled as the first command with promise, what
     is it?

3.  What command is given to fathers in v. 4 regarding what they are NOT to do?

4.  What command is given in v. 4 explaining what fathers ARE to do, "...bring them up in the ___________
      and ____________________ of the Lord.  5 points each

5.  What practice is mentioned indirectly here that was labeled a cause for the Civil War in the USA?

6.  Fill in the blanks, 5 points each, "Finally, my brethren, be _________ in the Lord and in the __________
     of his might."

7.  What are believers to "put on" to help them in their fight against the devil?

8.  What is most likely meant by the phrase, "And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of

9.  How did Paul desire to preach according to v. 19 A. Sharply B. Boldly C. Wisely

10.  There is a reference here as we saw in previous chapters to Paul being a prisoner, but he does not
        use that word, what phrase does he use that gives the same idea?

BONUS#1 Name as many pieces of the armour of God as you can, 5 points each.  And additional 5 points
each for each spiritual counterpart you can name.
BONUS#2 We are told that we wrestle not against flesh and blood.  Name as many of the 4 things listed that we DO wrestle against, 5 points each.
BONUS#3 Who does Paul name in this chapter as being a beloved brother and a faithful minister?
BONUS#4 What term does Paul use here that he uses many times in this book, this time referring to the gospel that he desire to make known?

Ephesians 5 Quiz

1.  Complete this verse, "Be ye therefore _______________________ of God, as dear children."

2. Who is being referred to in v. 2 that gave himself as an offering and a sacrifice to God?

3.  What term is used that showed that God the Father was pleased by this sacrifice?

4.  There are many sinful traits mentioned in vs. 3 and 4 that are not to be named among believers, but
      what IS named that believers ARE to be doing.

5.  According to v. 11, there are two responses believers are to have towards "works of darkness."
     Name them, 5 points each

6.  What word best describes the word "circumspectly?"  A. Smartly B. Padiddles C. Wisely

7.  Why are believers to redeem the time?

8.  There are three types of music listed in v. 19, name as many as you can, 5 points each.

9.  To whom is the wife to submit according to v. 22, "...your __________ husbands..."

10.  What word is used in the last verse of the chapter, that explains how the wife is to respect her husband?

BONUS#1 What OT verse uses a derivative of the word that is used in this chapter regarding a wife to
her husband, in this case being used concerning God's name?
BONUS#2 Based on that scripture, should a Christian ever go by that title that is God's name, yes or no?
BONUS#3 How is a man to love his wife according to this chapter?  there are three possible answers, 5
points for each.
BONUS#4 In this chapter, the three level tier of authority is mentioned.  Put them in the proper order.
BONUS#5 What term is used here that is used in regards to the church, but that is also used regarding the husband and wife relationship?

Ephesians 4 Quiz

1.  How many chapters are in the book of Ephesians?

2.  What does the word "vocation" mean?

3.  What word is used here in v. 1 that Paul also uses in chapter 3, that usually refers to a criminal
      or one imprisoned?

4.  Fill in the blank, "Endeavoring to keep the _______ of the Spirit in the bond of peace."

5.  Complete the verse, "One Lord, one faith, one_________________."

6.  How many spiritual gifts are mentioned in the list (in this chapter) of gifts that God gave?  4, 5 or 6?

7.  What definition best fits the word, "perfect" as used here in this chapter. A. Mature B. Sinless C. Aged

8.  According to verse 15, how are we to speak the truth?

9.  What is the believer told to "put off?"

10.  Fill in the blank, "Neither give ____________ to the devil."

BONUS#1 There are six things listed that the believer is told to put away from himself, name as many as you
can, 5 points each.
BONUS#2 There are three characteristics that we as believers are to have or do towards each other.  Name them, 5 points each.
BONUS#3 How long are we sealed by the Holy Spirit?
BONUS#4 What is a main purpose given in this chapter for believers to work for income?