1. Fill in the blank, "In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot _____, promised before the
world began;"
2. According to verse 3, God has in due times manifested his word through ________?
3. What term best describes Titus' position?
A. A pastor.
B. Delegate sent by Paul to perform certain duties and responsibilities in Paul's place.
C. An Apostle
4. What familiar 3 words does Paul use as a greeting to Titus? 5 points each.
5. Who was Titus to ordain in every city?
6. Does this passage and other NT passages, teach a plurality of elders?
7. What term is used in this chapter that is interchangeable with elder?
8. How do we know they are interchangeable and not different offices?
9. What would is used here to describe those that oppose the truth?
10. What is an elder to use to convince the those referred to in the last question? There are
2 possible answers. 5 points each.
BONUS #1. What other book and chapter gives the prerequisites for elders?
BONUS# 2. Name as many of the elder requirements as you can, 5 points each.
BONUS # 3 There are 3 characteristics listed of the Cretians, that one of their own
prophets said; name them. 5 points each.
BONUS# 4. Unto the pure all things are ______.
BONUS #5 There are 3 characteristics listed about the unbelieving, after it is stated that even
though they profess they know God, in their works they deny him; name them. 5
points each.
Crime Doesn't Pay! The Perfect Crime.
10 years ago
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