Hebrews 5 Quiz

1. What term is used in verse two for those that lack mental capacities to some degree?

2. There are two things listed that the OT High Priest offered?


4. Fill in the blanks, " and being made _______, he became the ________ of eternal
salvation unto all that obey him;"

5. What term is used that mentions one of the senses in verse 11, that is basically stating that
these particular readers were lacking understanding.

6. What drink is used to describe the basics of the Christian life or the things easy to

7. What brother of an OT leader is mentioned in this chapter?

8. What priesthood is mentioned in this chapter?

9. What term is used to illustrate the spiritual condition of these particular individuals that also
means "infant."

10. Which of the following could describe those who are able to handle strong meat?
A. Those who have maturity B. Those who have discernment C. Those who are from
a Christian family

BONUS#1. What does " strong meat" represent in this chapter?
BONUS#2. Instead of being taught, what position should the readers have had, regarding
some of the doctrines presented in this chapter and even the book?
BONUS#3. What OT book details much about the priesthood?

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