1. How many churches does John write to in chapter two?
2. Who specifically is John writing to?
3. Who gave John these messages to the churches?
4. The church at Ephesus, despite many positives, had left their first _______.
5. What group is mentioned here that Christ hates, referenced to regarding two churches?
6. According to verse seven, who will eat of the tree of life in the paradise of God?
7. Regarding the church at Smyrna, who will cast some of them into prison?
8. What requirement is given to the believers in Smyrna for them to receive the crown of life?
9. According to verse eleven, who will not be hurt of the second death?
10. Who was martyred among the believers at Pergamos?
11. Twice in the message to the church at Pergamos someone is mentioned who dwells with
them, who is it?
12. In the message to the church at Thyatira, who is mentioned that was a seducing prophetess?
13. Where will those be cast that partake of and condone of the doctrine of this false teacher?
14. Complete this verse, " But that which ye have already hold fast ______ __ _________."
15. John tells the church at Thyatira that if they overcome and keep God's works unto the end,
they will have power over what?
Crime Doesn't Pay! The Perfect Crime.
10 years ago