1. What are the first 5 verses of this chapter about? _______________________________________
2. After what day was the Lord Jesus Christ raised, 2,3 or 4_________________________________
3. How many brethren are listed here as seeing the resurrected Christ, other than Cephas and the twelve? _______________________________________________________________________________
4. Name at least one topic that is covered in this chapter. ___________________________________
5. Complete this verse, "But if there be no resurrection of the dead, then Christ is not _____________."
6. According to v. 26, what is the last enemy that shall be destroyed? __________________________
7. Does "baptism for the dead" mean that a dead person can be saved by having a live person be water baptized in his place, yes or no? _______________________________________________________
8. Complete, "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt ____________ ______________________"
9. What is the main topic of the last few verses in the chapter? _________________________________
10. What is the encouragement given to believers in the very last verse, in your own words. __________________________________________________________________________________
BONUS#1 the chapter speaks of "celestial" bodies, what is the other name given here? ___________________________________________________________________________________
BONUS#2 The chapter mentions one who is called, the "first man," who is that? ___________________________________________________________________________________
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10 years ago