1. Complete this verse, "be ye followers of me, ________ ___________ ________________ ______________ _______________ __________________ ____________________
2. Paul mentions the ordinances in v. 2, what are the two ordinances?
3. The head of every man is _______________.
4. The head of every woman is the ___________________.
5. The head of Christ is _____________________.
6. Complete this verse, "Neither was the man created for the woman, but the woman for the _____________.
7. Complete this verse, "Doth not even ______________ itself teach you, that if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him."
8. According to v. 15, what is given to the woman for a covering?
9. What is the ordinance taught on in this chapter?
10. Who taught Paul about the Lord's Supper according to v. 23?
BONUS#1 Who is the head of the church, the pastor, the elders or Christ?
BONUS#2 How long are believers to celebrate the Lord's Supper?
BONUS#3 What is the term to explain the Catholic error that the juice and the bread turn into the blood and the body of Christ?
Crime Doesn't Pay! The Perfect Crime.
10 years ago